Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do you know if your camera has fungus in it?

Also, how do you detect fungus formation at an early stage? I still don't have a budget to buy a drybox..Thank you!How do you know if your camera has fungus in it?
You can see it as fine radiating fibres (like a cobweb). It usually starts from the margin of a lens but can occur in the center too. Try to see the surface of the lens elements by reflecting the light from a table lamp and you'll notice the fungus if it's there.

For a dry box (desiccator)- I have never bought one and never intend to buy one. I get very cheap transparent plastic boxes which are really air-tight. I keep my equipment in these boxes and on one side I keep a open coffee mug filled with self-indicating silica get crystals (blue in colour when dry and white to transparent when hydrated), which is easily available in any science store. Once these crystals get hydrated, I just heat them up and they are then again ready to be used.

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