The most common I know are legumes with Rhizobium leguminosarum, a nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They are symbiotic on the roots and are housed in root nodules. Symbiotic relationship between plants and soil fungi is termed mycorrhizae. I'm sorry I think this is what you are looking for but I don't know any example.
Symbiotic relationship between ';only some plants'; and ascomycotycotan and basidiomycotan fungi is ';lichen';. I emphasized that there are only some plants because lichen is actually the term for symbiotic relationship between a chlorophyllous organism and a fungi (from Ascomycota and Basidiomycota). The chlorophyllous organisms are more often than not, algae or cyanobacteria.\
If you say symbiotic, they are not parasitic, because parasites harm the host while a symbiotic relationship benefits both organisms. But parasitic fungi on plants as my answer would be the following:
corn smut (Ustilago zeae) on corn
wheat rust (Puccinia graminis) on wheat
Ganoderma parasitizing tree trunks by growing on it
arranged like shelves, hence the term, shelf fungi.
These are only a few. Hope I helped. :-)What are the different types of plants and fungus that have a sumbiotic relationship?
Glomeromycetes form arbuscular mycorrhizae with plants
they acually live inside the plant cells and look like little trees
And all Lichens are fungi that live in impossibly close relationships with algae. So much so that if they were separated, they would each die. The algae photosynthesises and feeds the fungus, and the fungus protects and harbors the algae.
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