Thursday, February 11, 2010

How long does athlete's foot fungus survivie on hard dry surface?

Just wondering how long it survives if someone with athlete's foot has stepped barefoot around the house, particularly on hard dry surfaces.How long does athlete's foot fungus survivie on hard dry surface?
From what I have read, I don't think the fungus can survive long on hard dry surfaces. The website below, compiled by doctors, suggests going barefoot at home to help get rid of athlete's foot, so I guess the risk of spreading it that way must be regarded as minimal.鈥?/a>

Incidentally if you are having trouble getting rid of athlete's foot, try neat tea tree oil. I had a ringworm (which I understand is a related fungus) on my hand a few weeks ago and it was resistant to two creams prescribed by the doctor and athlete's foot cream, but tea tree oil cleared it up no bother.

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