I have the kind between the toes and a kind that looks like dry, cracked skin on my heels, also there is an itching just behind the balls of my feet. I know about keeping feet dry and clean and about antifungal creams from the doctor, but would like to know more alternatives.What are some home remedies for the prevention and treatment of foot fungus?
Any body odor - including feet - comes from the bacteria's that grow in warm, dark, moist environments. Your shoes are perfect incubators for such things. If you can loose the shoes for as long as possible and only wear them when absolutely necessary this would help. When you do wear shoes, rotate with different pairs to let them air out and kill any bacteria inside them. The following link is of people who almost never wear any shoes and there is medical findings as well as anicdotal testimony to be found through the links within, that have substanciated the ill-effects shoes have on our feet and legs. Bottom line, loose the shoes as often as you can.What are some home remedies for the prevention and treatment of foot fungus?
Soak your feet in bleach water 10 min 2 times a day for about 20-30 days. Dry your feet really well after soaking then get some lamisil cream at Walgreen's and put it on after you dry your feet. That is what the dr has my husband doing mostly because not every ones liver can handle the anti fungal medications. If it does not work, you will have to go on an anti fungal medication if your liver test comes back ok. Good luck
I learned the hard way. I never used to DRY between my toes very good and as a result, had to go on what is described above. Be sure to use a very dry part of your towel for feet and toes.
It's sounds gross, but urine works wonders. Just ';go'; in the shower, the itching will stop. Also, you can soak feet in water with a few drops of clorox. The clorox may irritate your skin. Epsom salt is ok. For the dry skin, use Gold Bond Medicated Lotion or Creme %26amp; put on clean cotton socks to sleep in over night. The next morning, you will have smooth, hydrated skin.
Tea tree oil.
lamisil is the only cure, stop messing around with it.
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