Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is my aquatic plant bulb growing fungus? 1 of 3 store bought bulbs has white stuff growing out of it?

I purchased a 3 pack of aquatic plant bulbs. One has sprouted, one hasn't done anything and the third has white fuzzy looking stuff growing out of it. Is this normal? Can fungus even grow under water? Any advice is welcome. Thanks!Is my aquatic plant bulb growing fungus? 1 of 3 store bought bulbs has white stuff growing out of it?
Roots that get fuzzy are dead roots. They are growing fungus and rotting, and will ruin your water quality and raise nitrates and ammonia. Best to take out the rotting bulbs.

(';'\(o.o)/';')Is my aquatic plant bulb growing fungus? 1 of 3 store bought bulbs has white stuff growing out of it?
This is very common with ';dud'; bulbs-- these won't sprout, as they handled the drying process less well than the others. There are numerous species of water molds (fungus) that will opportunistically infect any rotting material or weak fish. I'd recommend removing the fungusing bulb, as it will simply continue to rot, leading to water quality issues).
The same thing is happening to me, i got 6 betta bulbs and 1 has little root things, and is doing fine. The other 5 have white ';cotton'; like stuff on them, also the dont have any roots watsoever. An hour ago i put them in the sun, cause i had them on the counter, and the werent getting very much sun. I am a total numb nuts and forgot that just cause they are underwater plants, doesnt mean they dont need sun. So i put them on the deck, hoping it might help get there roots growning, and get rid of the white fuzz. Mabe try that. Good luck!

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