Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is the best way to prevent fungus growth in mulch?

Large fungus often is found in large clumps. Remove it physically today and it will be back tomorrow. There should be something to spray on it to prevent it.What is the best way to prevent fungus growth in mulch?
If what you are seeing looks like white spider webs or gray in color, this is the good stuff.If you are finding it in clumps it means your mulch is still breaking down. This is what is should look like. Decomposition, As it breaks down the mold or fungi will go away. My question is are you making this mulch are have you bought it and are using it? The only problem if you are using it is that it may be getting very hot as it decomposes and it could burn your plants. If you are using it I would suggest you pull it away from your plants and pile it up somewhere this it can finish decomposing. Sprinkling it with water every other day will help speed things up and a gentle turning of it weekly will too. Hope this is helpful.



GrandmaWhat is the best way to prevent fungus growth in mulch?
I had this when I layed fresh bark mulch. It was green yet. As it decomposes it uses lots of nitrogen from the soil....this will be bad for your plants. Buy some blood meal, which is pure nitrogen, and spread it accourding to the package directions. It should help with the fungus which, if it's like I had, looks like piles of vomit :o)~ If that doesn't do the trick...try a fungicide, but try and give the blood meal time to work :o)

Good luck!
Turn it often, the air should help reduce growth, and make sure soil underneath is draining well. Is it too moist? That might be part of the problem.

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