Friday, February 5, 2010

What type of fungus forms a fairy ring, and what does the diameter of this ring indicate?

what type of fungus forms a fairy ring, and what does the diameter of this ring indicate?

a. A zygomycete; the extent to which fungus is infected with a protist.

b. A lischen;the extent in which the fungus is in a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium.

c. A basidiomycete;the age of the fungus

d. An ascomycete;the amount of antibiotic the fungus has produced.

e. a chitride fungus;how old it is.What type of fungus forms a fairy ring, and what does the diameter of this ring indicate?

'One of the unusual formations of Basidiomycota are known as fairy rings. Fungi grows on dead leaves and roots in grasslands, and produce rings of fruiting bodies or mushrooms. The rings expand every year and release nitrogen into the soil, creating very lush grass. These rings expand every year. Folkloric legends associated these rings with fairy dances, which is how they got their name. Most do not damage the grass, but some fungi, such as Marasmius oreades (also known as the fairy ring champignon) will kill the areas beneath it. They accomplish this by forming water-repellent masses of hyphae beneath the soil, dehydrating the grass.

The fairy ring is not just of interest to scientists or landscapers. Its presence within folkloric traditions has given the fairy ring representations in art and literature.'

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